This website's use of cookies

Our website makes use of cookies when visitors view the site, just like most other websites do. Below we indicate the kinds of cookies we use and explain why we use them, along with your choices in connection with them. Your continued use of our site indicates your acceptance and authorization of our use of cookies.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small file that automatically gets downloaded to your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. They enable the collection of information about your actions during your visit in order to provide a good user experience, to make sure the website functions efficiently and to help determine how to improve the site.

How we use cookies

Both session cookies and persistent cookies are in use on our website:

Session cookies: These cookies are deleted when you close your browser. They provide us with information about your actions while on the website.

Persistent cookies: These cookies remain on your computer or device for a predefined length of time. They enable us to collect information to provide a more personalized experience on your next visit.

The following is a list of the cookies we use and their functions:

Essential cookies: These cookies are required for the effective operation of our website. These cookies allow you do do things like sign in the website and use its various functions, for example.

Performance and analytical cookies: These cookies collect information about visits to our website and the actions you take while on our website. This enables us to make improvements to the website, for example, by identifying and correcting errors in operation and ensuring that you find what you are looking for easily.

Functionality cookies. These cookies are used to recognize you on repeat visits to our website They enable us to offer a more personalized experience and also to remember your preferences.

Advertising cookies: These cookies are also known as 'targeting cookies', and they collect data about your visit to our website, such as the pages you view and the links you click on. This data enables us to serve advertisements that are relevant to you, and it allows us to gauge the efficiency of our advertising campaigns.

Third-party cookies

Third parties may also set cookies when you visit our website. These third-party cookies may collect information about your device and your usage patterns. We do not have any control of these cookies.

Your choices regarding cookies

You can block cookies by using the browser setting that allows you to refuse all or some cookies; however, if you block all cookies in this way, you may not be able to access some parts of the website.
